For the past three years, since attending the Ojai School of Canine Massage, I have been on a journey. A story of freedom catapulted by divorce. I took back my maiden name: Gilbert, so those of you who knew me from high school may remember me.
I left my home in Pennsylvania for California, partly to be closer to my children and grandchildren and their new puppy: "Tokyo", and partly to study Canine massage. I travelled up and down the coast, alone for the first time in my life, meeting many amazing people and animals. Learned about dogs and horses and having a heart and healing connection with these wonderful beings. Even danced with one in Ojai! Then, I got a job working for the State of CA as a caregiver for an amazing young man who injured himself in a diving accident and became a quadriplegic at the age of 20. He was 36 when I began my job with him in Cambria, Ca ; a year long experience that changed my life. I learned about strength, attitude and dogs. I decided to made him a certificate (see Animal Tales tab which I am shortly going to edit) with his dog "Sister." It shows their love.
Andy left Cambria several months ago to be near his family. With the help of his dear friend Michele Pike, he raised a Go Fund Me called "Get Andy Outdoors" We are all waiting for him to return from his adventure in Wisconsin (burr) to California!
Now I am in Philadelphia. Got here a few weeks ago to explore job opportunities with animals and people, and maybe even do acupuncture eventually, this time with animals.
I have been practicing acupuncture and bodywork for over 30 years.
Here are two of my favorite certificates: one with Andy and his dog, and the other, a therapy dog and his handlers. "Rooney" brings joy and peace to people in hospitals, schools and nursing homes. Please contact me if you can use a special fine art certificate and see the tab on this website called Animal Tales for more examples.
