The value of touch, both human and animal, cannot be underestimated. The repercussions of isolation caused by the deadly pandemic still remain to be seen. Perhaps one silver lining is puppy love and increased dog adoptions during Covid! Acupressure, used with animals for thousands of years, is a wonderful tool for bonding with a dog (or cat) to actively participate in their health and well being. "Shiatsu", (another term for acupressure massage) is a Japanese technique for treating the whole being, human or animal. It combines ancient healing techniques from India and China, similar to Yoga and Tai Chi, along with Western massage techniques. We will study canine structure and anatomy, and learn how to find and massage acu-points along pathways called Meridians. Learn treatment strategies to support Veterinary care, see case studies and feel, touch and breathe with our bodies' "qi", loosely translated as energy or life force. As we dive even deeper into Shiatsu, discover the power and richness of this non-verbal sensory collaboration.
I invite you to join me this December of 2020, for an introductory Canine Shiatsu workshop. Please contact me for more details or look for a post in the next week or so.
Gina Gilbert
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."
Thich Nhat Hanh