Acupressure for you and your dog is a wonderful way to connect and help dogs stay healthy and happy, using massage and acu-points. At the same time, it can address problems or injuries that may arise. In this course, we will explore the Five Element Paradigm used in Chinese Medicine to learn about the energetic pathways or Meridians and acu-points located on the dog's body. Is your dog's element primarily Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood? What points and combinations might support you and your pet? What kind of touch will benefit your dog type/personality and stage in life the most? eg: Yin or Yang: deep, light, off the body, stimulating, relaxing? Let's explore!
A five-session Zoom class hosted by the Mt. Airy Learning Tree in November.

"The noblest attribute of man is the love for all living creatures." - Confucius